Privacy Policy
Regardless of how you reached us, all sales are processed through our online store located at: – which is owned and operated by Design Décor Art Group LLC.
We do not sell, rent or otherwise share any customer data. Period. All online orders are processed through our Shopify platform. We do not receive any credit card information from Shopify. If you order a custom art package and pay for that order directly with Design Décor Art Group, all credit card information is destroyed once the charge is completed and we do not store any credit card data in our systems – either electronically or otherwise.
We do however retain customer name, address and email information and may send you messages from time to time about new images collections, special offers, etc. Any marketing message sent by us will give you the opportunity to unsubscribe as you wish.
Privacy Policies related to Shopify – as the processor of our orders may vary from our policies. See the Shopify web-site for any polices specific to their services. See Shopify – Privacy for Customers for more information:
Consent to and Design Décor Art Group
When you submit personal information and anonymous information through our website, it means that you have agreed to the terms of this Privacy Policy and that you expressly consent to the processing of your personal information according to this policy.
Like most other commercial websites, uses a standard technology called a "cookie" to collect information about how you use the site. A cookie is a small file stored on your computer by a website to give you a unique ID. Cookies make it easier for you to use our site, and they help us customize your experience so we can provide you with the information you need – when and where you need it. The numeric ID generated by a cookie at allows you to retrieve your Shopping Cart and place an order. We also use cookies to help us measure the success of our marketing efforts so that we can better understand how to reach you, and customers like you, with information about our services. In keeping with our standard policy on customer information, we analyze data gathered via cookies only in aggregate, not at the individual customer level. Note that if you set your browser to refuse cookies, you may need to contact us directly to place any orders.
How We Use the Information We Collect
In order to make improvements in the way we communicate and interact with customers, we may also compile aggregate data from all customers to prepare internal reports. For example, we may collect and analyze collected aggregate information to determine how many visitors arrived at certain pages of the website, how long they stayed on those pages, and where they went afterward. We do not combine your personally identifiable information with information about pages visited, purchases made, or any other clickstream data.
In some instances, we use third-party companies to help us provide our products and services to you, to assist us in managing customer information, to fulfill promotions and to communicate with you. Some of these companies are given access to some or all of the information you provide to us (with the exception of Credit Card information) and some may use cookies on our behalf. These companies are contractually restricted from using your information in any manner other than in helping us provide you with the products and services available from or Design Décor Art Group.
Privacy Policy Updates
This Privacy Policy is subject to occasional revision, and if we make any substantial changes to it, we will post an alert on this page. If you object to any such changes, you must cease using our website. Continued use of our website following notice of any such changes shall indicate your acknowledgement of such changes and agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of such changes.
This policy was last updated in June 2024.
Data Security and Design Décor Art Group are fully committed to the highest data security possible. Be assured that all information relating to our customers is stored in a highly secure environment, and all credit card information is processed and stored in an encrypted format – via our sales platform - Shopify. See Shopify – Privacy for Customers for more information:
If you receive an email or other correspondence requesting that you provide any sensitive information (including your site password or credit card information) via email or to a website that does not seem to be affiliated with, or that otherwise seems suspicious to you, please contact us immediately at 859-331-1066 Ext. 6 or e-mail:
We will NEVER ask you for password or credit card information via an unsolicited email.